Speeches, Writings & Interviews


President Eisgruber addresses a wide range of audiences and issues in the course of a year, and among his most important speeches are the ones he delivers at Princeton University’s Commencement and Opening Exercises in the spring and fall, respectively. His remarks on these occasions explore the basic values that define a Princeton education, as well as the opportunities and challenges confronting students as they enter and leave our University community. A sampling of recent speeches can be found below.

Princeton Alumni Weekly (PAW) Pages

President Eisgruber writes about a broad range of topics in "The President's Page," which appears in the Princeton Alumni Weekly (PAW) magazine. University messages in the PAW began in the 1970s, and "The President's Page" sometimes includes guest columns by faculty and other Princeton campus members. A sampling of recent columns can be found below.


President Eisgruber periodically speaks with the media on a range of higher education topics.  Links to selected interviews can be found below.