3.1 The officers of the Board shall be the Chair, the Vice Chair, and the Clerk.
3.2 The Chair shall convene meetings of the Board and preside when the Board meets in executive session without the President; work with the President in developing agendas for the Board; chair the Executive Committee of the Board, the Committee on Board Development, the Compensation Committee, and meetings of the Committee of the Whole; and oversee the annual performance review of the President and the process for selecting a new President. The Chair shall be elected by the Board for a term of four years and shall speak for the Board. The Chair shall be eligible for re-election.
3.3 The Vice Chair shall carry out responsibilities as assigned by the Chair and in the absence of the Chair shall temporarily carry out the responsibilities of the Chair.
3.4 The Clerk shall, with the assistance of the Secretary, give notice, as provided in these Bylaws, of each meeting of the Board, shall prepare a docket of the business to be transacted at such meeting, and shall send a copy of such docket to each Trustee at least three days prior to the meeting.
3.5 The Clerk shall, with the assistance of the Secretary, keep the minutes of each meeting of the Board. The Clerk shall send a copy of the minutes to each member of the Board following each meeting of the Board. At each meeting of the Board, the minutes of the last preceding meeting shall be presented for the approval of the Board.
3.6 The officers of the Board shall serve as ex officio voting members of all committees of the Board.