Chapter 14 - The Committee on Academic Affairs

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14.1    The Committee on Academic Affairs shall have oversight of matters pertaining to the Faculty and the programs of teaching and research pursued in the University.

14.2    It shall recommend for election by the Board all tenured and tenure-track faculty, as specified in Section 11.1.  It may, in its discretion, review all other appointments to the Lecturer Ranks and academic staff of the University made by the President (or by the Dean of the Faculty, to the extent this power were delegated by the President to the Dean of the Faculty).

14.3    It shall receive from the Deans the names of candidates for degrees and shall record in its minutes the names of those whom it recommends to the Board for such degrees.

14.4    It shall, as provided in Section 11.5 of these Bylaws, meet in conference with the Committee of the Faculty provided for in said Section.