President’s Blog: An Update on the Princeton Alumni Weekly

Oct. 18, 2021

For more than a century, the Princeton Alumni Weekly – a publication for and by alumni – has played an important and unique role in connecting alumni to one another and to our alma mater. While founded as a fully independent magazine, PAW has been a University department for more than 20 years. Among the many special things about PAW is its distinctive and independent voice – though PAW is staffed by University employees, the University does not review its content in advance of publication (with the exception of my President’s Page, of course).

Unfortunately, in recent years PAW’s financial model has not been working, despite the significant support PAW received annually from the University. We have been in discussions with the PAW Board about how best to ensure that PAW can thrive as a publication for and by University alumni while addressing some financial, operational, and governance-related issues. 

I am delighted that we have reached an agreement that will resolve these issues and put PAW on solid financial footing without reliance on funding from class dues. The agreement sustains the independence of PAW’s voice and confirms that PAW will continue to benefit from an advisory board of alumni with media experience and members of the University and alumni community.

I am grateful to PAW Advisory Board Chair Marc Fisher ’80, the members of the PAW Advisory Board, PAW Editor Marilyn Marks *86, and Vice President and Secretary Hilary A. Parker ’01, among others, for their partnership in developing this agreement, which will ensure that PAW continues to flourish in the future.